What is the new writing festival?
The OUDS New Writing Festival is an annual competition which aims to find Oxford’s best student playwrights and showcase their work. Since 2020, the format has changed every year depending on the vision of the OUDS Committee, including a Zine of New Writing in 2021 and a competition based on the theme of 'Maps' in 2022.
To get involved in the 2023 competition, please see our PDF document below. Please send all entries to ouds.newwriting@gmail.com. Deadline for submissions is Midnight, Friday 25th November. Our termcard fro the rest of the festival, including exciting workshops with leading playwrights and screenwriters will be published in January 2023.
In other years, please go to the OUDS New Writing Festival Facebook page where all the latest opportunities and news will be listed, including deadlines, the call for submissions, and the call for directors who’d like to help stage plays. It’s also worth signing up to the OUDS newsletter so that you receive this news direct to your mailbox. The deadline for submissions is normally halfway through Michaelmas, so get writing! To go to the NWF Facebook page, click here.
What other opportunities are there for new writing in oxford?
There are so many opportunities for new writing at Oxford. The Cuppers competition for freshers in Michaelmas often showcases student’s new writing and has an award for Best New Writing. The North Wall Arts Centre also has one student writing slot each year, usually in Trinity term, and this opportunity will be advertised in the Oxford Drama Newsletter in Michaelmas. But most importantly, each slot at each venue in Oxford has the potential to be a piece of new writing! It’s up to you to find a team who will help you put on your play! Have a look at our venue advice to see which venue you think would suit your show best.
OUDS New Writing competition 2023
The Visit
by Aryan Goenka'
The son of man
by Sebastião Marques Lopes
Mendel, your gefilte fish is ready
by lily Sheldon
'Troy Story', Musketeer Productions, MT22
Photo by Riya Kataria