Production Companies
Here is a list of student production companies registered with OUDS. If the company you are looking for is not on this page, this may be because they have registered recently. You can check whether a production company is registered by emailing the OUDS Secretary.
To register a new production company, click here.
To change the contact details of an existing production company, click here.
ALL Productions
Beautiful Machine Productions
Clarendon Productions
Devilish Whimsy Productions
Green Carnation Productions
Honest Fool Productions
Kylix Productions
Magdalen Players
Musketeer Productions
Nocturne Productions
Peach Productions
Pelican Productions
Pigeon Wing Productions
St Hilda's Drama Society
Sunday Productions
The Mollys
Unbroken Productions
3AM Productions
An Exciting New
Broken Wheel Productions
Cops and Robbers
Funky Jumper Productions
Happier Year Productions
Jesus College Shakespeare Project
Love Song Productions
Memento Mori Productions
Naughty Corner
Orchard Productions
Peedie Productions
Phoenicia of Dido Productions
Root Ginger Productions
Stellate Productions
Technobabble Productions
The Oxford Revue
Yellow Brick Productions
'The Metamorphosis', Matchbox Productions, TT23
Photo by Freddie Houlahan